This Famila supermarket just opened last month. It is a big, American-size supermarket with a vast selection of products and wide aisles, bright lights and an excellent heating system. Quite different from the usual Molfettan supermarkets, which tend to remind me of mole tunnels, as they are poorly lit, with narrow maze-like aisles and are often actually located underground! Needless to say, I'm a fan of this new Famila store.
Tell me more about it.
Poorly lit mole tunnels? Even as a figure of speech this is great! I think I would like better this Familia store...
We enjoyed shopping at similar supermercati in Marsciano. Almost like home in terms of choice. New York has a number of supermarkets underground and I must say I found these very similar to your "mole tunnel" description -:) Slightly disconcerting when trying to find things and coming to a dead-end wall!
We received a modern, USA-style supermarket in Tamarindo about 2 years ago, which I have shown on my post. On the first day it opened, all of the shopkeepers of the small food markets were walking around inside checking the prices of their new competition.
The supermarkets are nice, but I feel sorry for the small family-owned shops.
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