Even in the dark month of February, we are blessed in Molfetta with fields of flowers around the olive trees. The answer to my son's question was "she loves me not," but he didn't seem too broken up about it. He and his best friend share the same "girlfriend" - it's a 4th grader thing, you wouldn't understand! ;-)

This wonderful award has been presented to me by Kimy of
Mouse Medicine (a recent blog of note!) and I am honored that she thinks I deserve it. Now I get to pass it on to five blogging friends whose writing I enjoy. My choices are...
Sara at
It's Lovely, I'll Take It because she consistently makes me fall off my chair laughing with her oddball sense of humor.
Hilda at
My Manila because her photoblog delivers a fascinating daily dose of Filipino culture and history along with a great photo.
Knoxville Girl at
Knoxville Daily Photo because I like her take on things and her way of seeing the world, or at least Knoxville, Tennessee.
Mediterranean Kiwi at
One Day in Hania because she tells a great story about life and customs on the Greek island of Crete.
Sperlygirl at
Sperlygirl (don't know her name!) because reading her blog makes me slow down and reflect on the simple gifts life offers us.
The rules for the award are as follows:
* Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass the Award on to 5 most-deserving Blog Friends.
* You must link to the author and name of the blog you received the award from.
* You must display the Award on your blog and link to
this post, which explains the Award.
* When you win The Superior Scribbler Award you must visit
this post and add your name to the Mr. Linky List. That way, they will be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives this prestigious honor. You must post these rules on your blog.