The mulberry (called "gelso" in Italian) is a common tree around here. It produces a tasty yellow or purple fruit: the mulberry, of course. We have one in our yard here in Molfetta. The fruit ripens in the summer and you have to pick it when the moment is just right. Too early and the berries are dry and tasteless, too late and they get bruised or eaten by insects.
Bolzano Daily Photo is TWELVE
2 years ago
That's a tree with a great deal of character :)
but did he and his cousins enjoy going around the mulberry bush!
and was it so early in the morning?
those are some festive glasses you are wearing these days! happy 2009!
It's a beautiful old, gnarly thing. I'm just catching up and I love the posts about your husband's family farmhouse, too. Wonderful stories.
Happy new year, Saretta!
Saretta, this is a very attractive picture.
Happy New Year!
I hope you'll show us the fruit, when the time comes. 8^)
I live in England, the mulberry is not common here, when I see one it reminds me of childhood, we had one in the school grounds.
I look forward to seeing more of Molfetta. Who could not love Cinema Paradiso.
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