This photo was shot on the edge of Molfetta's industrial park. The large parking lot you see beyond the birds is often full of caravans of gypsies in their RVs. On this day it was just me and the seagulls.
I haven't yet had time to read the instruction manual for my new camera... I think that's pretty obvious from the so-so quality of the photos I've been posting for some time now. Hopefully, I'll have time to study up now that I've finished the translation, but that's not necessarily a given. I already have two new projects in the works...
In any case, I don't have high hopes for this camera. It's just another tiny little digital thing. I don't think Santa Claus quite understood what I had in mind when I said, "new camera." But, hey, I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth!
Perhaps a bit more contrast will help, "Auto Contrast" in Photoshop is my default batch command!
Ok, I tried it, do you think it's better now?
ah, the geometry of birds.
don't get discouraged, give yourself time to get to know your camera.
truly, it's not the camera, it's the photographer behind it that makes the shots.
I love the composition...there are so many gulls & they look identical & too big to be on the wire. Congrats on finishing a translation - it must give you a real sense of accomplishment.
Great & related video too - the big guy has such a sweet voice.
Great shot of all the birds.
If you're like me you might need an instruction book for the instruction book. But don't apologise - your photos are great.
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