Sunday, June 13, 2010

Nerium Oleander

The Oleander is another flowering tree in my front yard. I love its delicate pink petals and had no idea until looking it up online that it is one of the most poisonous plants in the world and contains numerous toxic compounds, many of which are deadly to people, especially young children. (Despite this fact, it is often grown in school yards.) The toxicity of Oleander is considered extremely high, and it has been reported that in some cases only a small amount had lethal or near-lethal effects. Who knew?


Jess said...

I remember reading several articles about the dangers of oleanders when I lived in California. The articles cautioned against the use of the plants in home landscaping, stressing their highly toxic--potentially fatal--aspect. But the state highway department made good use on them as ornamental plantings along the freeways.

Saretta said...

Go figure!

Halcyon said...

It's very pretty at least!!

BLOGitse said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog!
I just subscribed your feed - your photos are beautiful!
About moving to WP - I'm not doing it. One Finnish guy is doing it for me. I have almost 600 posts on main blog - I didn't want to take a risk to lose them all :)
There are many details to check up and remember when moving.
Right now we have a problem moving followers bagde to WP.
Plus some other small things still to solve. But the main work is done. huh! :)
I'm excited and I get all my readers to WP is my biggest 'worry'...but if I'm active I hope they follow and hopefully I'll get new readers too... :)
Nice meeting you!
Have a great day!


Budget Hotels said...

Its really very pretty...A nice pic I must say...

chasity said...

i didn't know that either...
but it sure is beautiful.