The walls of the City Hall Board Room are lined with portraits of important men from Molfetta's past. Above we can see His Excellency Lieutenant General Gaetano Pastore, 1778-1849.

Here we have General Giuseppe Eugenio Poli, 1898-1967.

This fellow is another member of the Poli family, local nobility. He seems to have been a scholar of Italian and Foreign literature in the 1800s.
Sorry to say that I have never heard of any of them. I bet they all made great contributions, however.
They are only *local* heroes, it's true!
How wonderful to see your history on the walls.
Today noticed a beautiful historical building near here and read the surname Poli on the buzzer. Maybe they are relatives...
Thank you,Saretta for portraing LA SANTA ALLEGREZZA.It is been an old Molfettese tradition. I remember as a young men going to relatives homes,singing it.Is is still going strong.
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