As promised, today's photo features Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II. There's not much to it beyond what you can see right here in the photo, it's quite small. The piazza is completely fenced, all the way around, and is furnished with a locked gate, a guard and a small guardhouse. The guard locks and unlocks the gates at certain times and generally lurks around keeping his turf clean and free of potential delinquents.
I rarely ever actually see anyone inside this square. Maybe all the fencing and locks are a bit off-putting...
Beyond the park, you can see a lovely rooftop garden above an old print shop, or "tipografia."
This is more like a french square than an italian 'piazza'. It's a pity for the gatekeeper thing...
Kind of strange to keep the gate closed. Not very welcoming.
To tell you the truth, it was the print shop's building that really caught my eye. I was wondering how to get to the stairs…
I don't find gated piazzas very inviting either. Hardly surprising it's not a busy place, lovely though it looks.
The iron-work and lamps are beautiful.
Shame its not so welcoming, I bet people would like to use it more.
My knowledge in world history is almost non-existence but I assume Mr. Vittorio Emanuele is a very famous person in Italy because I saw his name everyone in Rome.
It's a shame the square is not enjoyed or appreciated by more people.
You disapprove of the fence... but consider it from another point of view: for me and some friends of mine with children...a quiet place to meet and have children playing with no cars around...
I like that TIPOGRAFIA sign!
Bon guorno! Love you Italian pictures. I wish I could sit on one of those benches with a mocha and yummy pastry! I'm new to CDP; I started EAGAN daily photo. Greetings from Minnesota, USA
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