Monday, April 19, 2010

I'd like to thank all the little people...

These little fellows are on display inside Molfetta's Duomo, or ancient cathedral.
You can see the duomo here, here and here.

9 comments: said...

Beautiful little people!

Rob Siemann said...

Funny! Who are they?

irinapictures said...

Ancient art in full glory. Great.

VP said...

Now we are curious to know something more about them...

Halcyon said...

It's the little people who count. :)

Saretta said...

These fellows are like so many "little people" whose efforts go unrecognised while others take the glory! I found them leaning against the wall in the Duomo with no information nearby. I will have to pester the priest for details!

B SQUARED said...

People were a lot shorter in times past.

Hilda said...

Or maybe you can find a medium to interview the original artist. ;)

My greatest frustration with historical buildings with hardly any information available…

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

I like them. They are interesting looking characters. I wonder if this is what the ancient Molfettians looked like.