This raises various questions along the lines of...what about the little local cinema that is now seriously struggling to survive? And, what do you think about these mega-corporate ventures that stifle/kill local enterprise? Are the jobs at the mall worth it in the long run?
And what about the architectural issues? This mall has a very striking architectural style, generic "Mediterranean" perhaps is its intent...but it has no connection whatsoever with local constructions.
I go to both cinemas. The one in town is closer to home, less crowded and cheaper. There's no popcorn, but, at the prices they're charging for it at the mall...I can survive without!
We, in Rijeka, also enjoy in Cinestar Movie Complex, but it is true that we shouldn't let to close other "old" cinemas in town.........I am always for combination old and new, because the tradition is something what we have to keep from "forgetting-process"...
Or you can smuggle in the popcorn and candy:) What movie did you see? I find that usually the older cinemas start to play a different brand of movie.. funky and foreign! The change is venue makes them even more charming and irreplaceable!
Silwy - I agree that a mix of old and new is best. I like the new, but I hate to lose the old!
Well, Marie, I saw "Burn After Reading" with George Clooney and Brad Pitt...and enjoyed it very much! I saw "Un Giorno Perfetto" (an Italian film) last week at the old theater. It was good too, but very intense! And why do you think I carry such a BIG purse? For popcorn, of course! ;-)
Well you've answered the question as to the next film I'll be seeing. It strikes me that the newr buikding are at least built sympathetically with a nod to the older style. Again soemthing we could learn in the UK.
I must admit to a little hypocrisy on my part. I enjoy the movie megaplex as more comfortable seating and better sightlines when viewing a movie. No more people in front blocking our views.
But I do not lie those big corporate chain retail supermarts. Or, "Big Box Stores" as we call them. No architextural appeal, just a brick box with ailse of shelves. Same with restaurants. The corporate chains are driving out the small authentic restaurants. And the food quality suffers.
Please reject the McDonalds of the corporate world.
Yaeh! You're a popcorn blockade runner:)
Our local "old" theater was renovated a few years back, with a couple of small screens squeezed in next to the original large screen. They modernized the seating and floors, but kept the building in all its Deco glory. I never go anywhere else, unless I'm traveling.
As a visitor, i really enjoy the new complex. It gave me hours of shopping in a really nice modern structure that still felt like Italy, but just a bit newer. I thought it was as nice change to all the beautiful older structure. Ironically, the actual theatre wasn't open yet due to last minute construction that still needed to happen.
We have a small local "double" cinema, 2 films every week, 70 km away. The next nearest cinemas are 180km away in Cape Town. All the others have closed down - so we watch pay TV instead - Not nearly the same!
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