Thursday, April 29, 2010

Red Clover

The fields around Noci were filled with vast expanses of these red flowers. I have never seen red clover before, have you?


Laura said...

We have it in Oregon and it is beautiful - acres of deep crimson. said...

No, I haven't, it's beautiful. I think that might be a hornet perched on top of it too.

Tinsie said...

Lovely shot! I can almost smell spring in the air :-)

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

Yes, I have, but they were more rounded as opposed to oval shaped. We would pluck out the petals(?-I don't know the correct term) and suck the nectar. Sweet : )

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» has heard of it - and seen at least one drawing of it, but this is the first he's actually seen in a photo.
Very nice!

Halcyon said...

Is that what it is? We have that wildflower around here, but I didn't know what it was called. It is pretty!

B SQUARED said...

I've never seen it before.

Rob Siemann said...

Didn't know it, and it's beautiful.