There are many hobbies a person can become passionate about: sports, crafts, gardening or...the weather! This weather station is set up on the balcony of a home in the very center of Molfetta. It measures air temperature, wind strength and direction, high or low pressure, name it. No more sticking your head out the window to see how to get dressed in the morning. With this machine, you'll be prepared for every variation in the weather!
Bolzano Daily Photo is TWELVE
2 years ago
When I was a kid they sold at fairs a little house with a man with an umbrella a and his lady without.
Following the weather something twitched inside pushing out the man or the lady. That's was all we had then.
I was in a store the other day and saw "A Weather Stick". If the stick pointed up, clear weather;down, bad weather. Kind of a low tech version of what this person has.
I was actually thinking of buying of these, maybe it could tell us the weather better then the weatherperson on tv.
A man that lives down the road from where I work has one of these and every day he emails us the weather forecast. Its always right!
Being a "gadgeteer," I think I would like this; although it would probably give me too many ready-made and scientific excuses when I didn't want to do something...
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