After an unseasonal cold spell in September, beautiful warm weather has returned. Recently at lunchtime we have been eating outside on the patio, which is a truly special pleasure we are not able to enjoy as often as you might think. In the summer it is just too hot. In the winter, too cold. Spring and fall, however are just right (said Goldilocks).
The only problem is that we have to share our meal with what at times seems like swarms of unwanted on the photo to enlarge it and see two of our dear little friends.
This 1999 song about the joys of riding around on a Vespa motorbike is by the shortlived Italian group "Lùnapop." "Vespa" also means "wasp" in Italian.
We get a lot of these guys when eating outside, too. They seem to like meat!! Who'd a thought? Fruit, yes, sugar, yes, but meat? Oh well, as long as they don't sting us! Enjoy the fine weather...
Down here in Salento my boyfriend and I jokingly call this time of stagione delle mosche! You have to choose - cooler fly and wasp-free days or beautiful sunshine and these pesky visitors. I know what I would choose... ceiling fans really help when you're indoors btw|
I'm trying to figure out the english word for a red fish popular in puglia. In dialect they call it "tregge." Im definitely not spelling that right! They are not common here in the states, and no one ever knows what i'm talking about.
It's fly season here, too. And for some reason, my kitchen is full of them every morning. But after a few minutes of fly swatter action, that problem is resolved. My children call me 007 Fly Killer! I think the abundance of wasps has to do with the grapes being ripe.
Historelli - I think you're talking about "triglie" which are called "mullet" in English, specifically the kind we get here are "red mullet."
We get a lot of these guys when eating outside, too. They seem to like meat!! Who'd a thought? Fruit, yes, sugar, yes, but meat? Oh well, as long as they don't sting us! Enjoy the fine weather...
Down here in Salento my boyfriend and I jokingly call this time of stagione delle mosche! You have to choose - cooler fly and wasp-free days or beautiful sunshine and these pesky visitors. I know what I would choose... ceiling fans really help when you're indoors btw|
Eek! Wasps eat fish? I always thought they only went for fruits and vegetables. As long as you don't get stung!
Here it's flies — completely freaks me out so I'd rather stay inside.
Just think of all the extra protein if you ate the wasps--ow!
Cool video!
Hi Saretta,
I'm trying to figure out the english word for a red fish popular in puglia. In dialect they call it "tregge." Im definitely not spelling that right! They are not common here in the states, and no one ever knows what i'm talking about.
We get a few bees when eating outside, but the real problem is flys! YUK!
I can imagine the nice outdoor admosphere to enjoy eating this fish. Yummy...
Lovely photo.
Greeting from Singapore.
It's fly season here, too. And for some reason, my kitchen is full of them every morning. But after a few minutes of fly swatter action, that problem is resolved. My children call me 007 Fly Killer! I think the abundance of wasps has to do with the grapes being ripe.
Historelli - I think you're talking about "triglie" which are called "mullet" in English, specifically the kind we get here are "red mullet."
When we get wasps annoying us at the table, I put a glass over them and only release them when we've finished.
Scintilla - a friend of ours swats them with a pot lid, tennis style. Seems strange, but he has great aim!
The fish looked delicious. And yes, when I enlarged the photo, I saw the two wasp dining on it too.
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